Thursday 22 September 2011

Watch Out! Road Safety Campaign

Watch Out! Road Safety Campaign
Tagline: We count on you.

Logo Design

Concept Board

Promotional Flow Chart

Floor Plan

Booth Design

Final Booth Design

Public Service Announcement


Promotional Item1
(Sticker on Taxi)

Promotional Item2
(Billboard on Pedestrian Bridge)


Loading Page

Home Page

About Page

Facts Page

Products Page (e-commerce)

Events Page

Events - Public Service Announcement

Events - Road Safety Game

Events - Join Member

Events - Photo Contest Page

Contact Page

Click to view the website

Software: Adobe Illustrator CS4, Adobe Photoshop CS4, Adobe Premier Pro, Adobe After Effect, Adobe Flash CS4, 3d Max, Scripting Language 2.0, Easy PHP, Adobe Dreamweaver CS4

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